Onko Acer Aspire V5 Series 15.6" kannettava hyvä pelikannettava?
-AMD A10-5757M neliydinprosessori / 2.5 GHz to 3.5 GHz
-AMD Radeon HD 8550G Graphics (512 MB)
-8 GB keskusmuisti ja 1 TB (1000 GB) kiintolevy
4 vastausta
En sanoisi hyväksi pelikoneeksi, mutta kyllä tolla jotain pelaa
Acer ei ole oikein luotettu merkki ainakin jos lukee eri keskusteluja.
Im not the best with all the tech stuff, but Ill try to answer your question the best I can. Anyways, I have the same exact graphics card and I have to say its not the best for hardcore gaming, but as you said; its only for mild games. The Amd Radeon HD 8550G should be well more than enough to run all the games you named. Here is a benchmark for the graphics card so you can get a better idea on what you are purchasing: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Computer-G...ds.13849.0.html
The Amd Radeon HD 8550G is #225. -
Aivan mahtava ,kun poistaa windowsin ja asentaa Androidin ;)
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