
3 vastausta

  • Menee. Sitä vartenhan se suolisto on. Toki imeytyy myös vatsalaukustakin, mutta minkä verran, sitä sopii vain arvailla.

  • When you drink water, it initially goes into the stomach. From there, it is gradually absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and the small intestine. The majority of water absorption takes place in the small intestine. The water molecules move from an area of higher concentration (the intestines) to an area of lower concentration (the bloodstream) through a process called osmosis. Once in the bloodstream, the water is transported to various parts of the body to fulfill its functions, such as maintaining hydration, facilitating cellular processes, and aiding in the elimination of waste products.

  • When you drink water, it initially enters your stomach, where some of it is absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the stomach lining. The rest of the water then moves into the small intestine, which is the primary site for the absorption of nutrients and water from the food and beverages we consume.

    In the small intestine, the water is absorbed through the intestinal walls and enters the bloodstream, where it is distributed throughout the body to maintain proper hydration and support various bodily functions. The process of absorption in the small intestine is crucial for delivering nutrients and fluids to the cells and organs, ensuring they can function effectively. Any excess water that is not absorbed in the small intestine continues its journey into the large intestine, where it eventually forms stool and is eventually eliminated from the body. MORE (

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