Kuinka voin vaihtaa Mozilla Firefoxin Cache kansiota?
Yksi vastaus
* Open Firefox
* In the location bar, type about:config and hit enter
* Right-click in the white-space, and choose New->String. Enter the name browser.cache.disk.parent_directory and click ok.</liL
* In the next box, enter the full patch to the directory you want to store your cache in. Something like C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxCache
* Close Firefox.
* Delete your old cache directories in C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfilessomething.username I actually had three directories in here with cache in the name. I deleted all three.
* Restart Firefox. It will create the directory specified above, if it doesnt already exist.
This same technique can be used to move your cache to a larger or faster disk.
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